Within the field of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), you will find a great deal of discussion about qi (say chee). According to TCM, qi is the energy force that flows through all living creatures. Treating qi blockages often requires needling sites that are far away from a patient's direct pain. For me, that approach is too esoteric and not as effective for patients. I found the “treat the ankle for a headache” approach less effective than going directly to the head for headaches.
As I developed my business (Fort Collins Acupuncture), I realized that a functional medicine approach got much better results. Place a needle directly in an over-tight muscle and it will relax and be less likely to spasm. The needles have an anti-inflammatory effect; that's what makes acupuncture so good for chronic inflammation like arthritis. Third, acupuncture changes the nervous system's transmission and interpretation of pain. They actually block pain from traveling through your nervous system. This is what makes me so good at treating sports injury, chronic back pain and neck pain, migraines, and conditions related to stroke rehabilitation. Eighty percent of my patients find some immediate relief. Many go on to be completely free of pain. Try it for yourself. Schedule an appointment today. Comments are closed.
Scott Blunk, LAc.
An NCCAOM-certified and licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, Scott is passionate about acupuncture and herbal care. Categories