New ACUPUNCTURE Patient Information
What to Expect
For new patients, an initial evaluation appointment lasts about an hour. We begin by listening to your health concerns, health history, lifestyle, goals for treatment, and any questions you may have about acupuncture and herbal care. We may ask to look at your tongue and feel your pulse. The shape, color and coating of the tongue provide valuable diagnostic information about your health. Your practitioner will develop a specific plan for effective treatment.
After acupuncture needles have been placed along appropriate points of your body, you will be left to rest and relax in the quiet environment of the treatment room for up to 40 minutes, allowing the needles sufficient time to influence your body’s qi (say “chi”). Most patients look forward to this part of the appointment as acupuncture is calming, soothing, and usually provides immediate pain relief.
Follow Up Visits
Follow-up visits also last about an hour. In addition to treatment your practitioner will discuss your progress and changes in your condition, as well as any new concerns.
For new patients, an initial evaluation appointment lasts about an hour. We begin by listening to your health concerns, health history, lifestyle, goals for treatment, and any questions you may have about acupuncture and herbal care. We may ask to look at your tongue and feel your pulse. The shape, color and coating of the tongue provide valuable diagnostic information about your health. Your practitioner will develop a specific plan for effective treatment.
After acupuncture needles have been placed along appropriate points of your body, you will be left to rest and relax in the quiet environment of the treatment room for up to 40 minutes, allowing the needles sufficient time to influence your body’s qi (say “chi”). Most patients look forward to this part of the appointment as acupuncture is calming, soothing, and usually provides immediate pain relief.
Follow Up Visits
Follow-up visits also last about an hour. In addition to treatment your practitioner will discuss your progress and changes in your condition, as well as any new concerns.
Call us at 970-223-4422 or conveniently schedule your appointments online by clicking the button below. |
Download the New Patient forms below. Print, fill out and bring it in to your first appointment. |