The medical journal, Headache, offers strong proof for the efficacy of acupuncture for migraines. A study published in 2002 stated, "Acupuncture proved to be adequate for migraine prophylaxis [prevention]. Relative to flunarizine, acupuncture treatment exhibited greater effectiveness in the first months of therapy and superior tolerability.”
In laymen's terms, this means that acupuncture can be used more effectively than a commonly prescribed medication. Except acupuncture doesn't come with the same side effects list as flunarizine: Drowsiness, weight gain, nausea, heartburn, dry mouth or anxiety. It is also highly unlikely that acupuncture will give you skin rashes, depression, muscle aches, tremors or any of the other possible side effects of the above pharmaceutical. Better results without the negative impact of a medication. The math is pretty simple here. Get some acupuncture for your migraines today. See our website at for more information. The Mayo Clinic notes here that weather plays a role in the frequency of your migraines. Especially as spring weather whips up the winds and changes the temperature radically, I see my migraine patients much more. The changes in barometric pressure seems to bother many people. For others, the changing temps disrupt the flow of yummy brain chemicals like serotonin.
Mayo Clinic suggests you track your headaches in a diary, avoid being outside on the windy days, and take preventative migraine medicines. I suggest that you come see me. Within 3 to 5 appointments, we can typically get those symptoms under control and keep them under control with a specially formulated herbal formula for headaches. If you've got the beginnings of a headache, get on my schedule. Let's keep you moving forward! Acupuncture for Migraines Improves your Quality of Life
In 2005, the journal, Headache, printed a study stating, "Supplementing medical management with acupuncture...resulted in improvements in quality of life and the perception by patients that they suffered less from headaches.” I like the first word of that sentence – supplementing. Acupuncture is meant to integrate with your healthcare. We complement each other well. When your doctor is stumped or has little to offer, your acupuncturist can often help. This is especially true for chronic conditions like pain and migraines. The opposite is also true. When there isn't much an acupuncturist can do, a medical doctor may have a wealth of possible treatments. In the case of migraines, first do go see a doctor to rule out other possible problems. But if your headaches are only migraines and nothing else, I can help. By using a blend of Chinese herbs, acupuncture, and sometimes massage, I can cut your headaches by as much as 75%. That's one migraine per month instead of one per week. Schedule your migraine acupuncture appointment today. Help is waiting. I grew up in Fort Collins but went to acupuncture school in San Diego at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. In California, acupuncturists are primary health care providers, trained to serve as gatekeepers. We are the one point of contact for their patients as they navigate the health care system. While regulations in Colorado are very different, my training and knowledge of the whole body have not changed. I am very comfortable serving as a complement to your primary care. Because I can “talk doctor” and understand Western diagnoses, I am happy to coordinate with your physician to best meet your needs.
I believe that acupuncture is an integral part of a modern health care system. It is an excellent therapy for pain management of all types (back, neck, headaches, migraines, injury), for digestive disorders, for stroke rehabilitation, insomnia... the list is long. Why not contact me and see what I can do to help you? One patient, a medical doctor, said this: “I decided to try acupuncture for my chronic headaches. It worked like a charm. Scott was attentive, caring and knowledgeable. He ushered me back to a pain-free existence. I highly recommend him.” -- DV, M.D. Pain-free existence can be yours too. Schedule an appointment today. A 2004 study in the British Medical Journal states, "Acupuncture leads to persisting, clinically relevant benefits for primary care patients with chronic headache, particularly migraine.”
I love it when physicians call my results persisting and clinically relevant! More than that, I love helping people get up from their darkened rooms and venture back into the world. If you are suffering regular debilitating migraines, please schedule an appointment. My double-whammy approach of Chinese herbs with acupuncture for migraines is 80% effective. You can't beat those odds. If you haven't ever tried acupuncture before, you may wonder if it really works. If you ask around you'll get mixed reactions from people. For some, it's the a panacea. It's the reason they can wean off of pain medications or it fixed a chronic health problem. For others? Meh. Not so much.
This milquetoast reaction from my early patients is the reason I delved into better pain management techniques for acupuncture. In my early years of practice, I found that the precepts taught in acupuncture grad school only work some of the time. So much of Chinese medicine is a “treat the ankle for a headache approach.” That use of ancillary points will work for some people sometimes. But in my experience so far, it's almost always better to treat the problem where it actually is. When I treat a patient with shoulder pain, I want to know exactly what tissue is hurting. Rotator cuff muscle? Ligament? I want to know what exactly is hurting you, then I treat that tissue directly. This physical medicine approach gets results. It is incredibly effective for back pain, neck pain, and migraines. Acupuncture for pain management really does work at Fort Collins Acupuncture. If you have pain, come see me. I can help. Find more information at my website: Or schedule an appointment. |
Scott Blunk, LAc.
An NCCAOM-certified and licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, Scott is passionate about acupuncture and herbal care. Categories