The medical journal, Headache, offers strong proof for the efficacy of acupuncture for migraines. A study published in 2002 stated, "Acupuncture proved to be adequate for migraine prophylaxis [prevention]. Relative to flunarizine, acupuncture treatment exhibited greater effectiveness in the first months of therapy and superior tolerability.”
In laymen's terms, this means that acupuncture can be used more effectively than a commonly prescribed medication. Except acupuncture doesn't come with the same side effects list as flunarizine: Drowsiness, weight gain, nausea, heartburn, dry mouth or anxiety. It is also highly unlikely that acupuncture will give you skin rashes, depression, muscle aches, tremors or any of the other possible side effects of the above pharmaceutical. Better results without the negative impact of a medication. The math is pretty simple here. Get some acupuncture for your migraines today. See our website at for more information. Comments are closed.
Scott Blunk, LAc.
An NCCAOM-certified and licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, Scott is passionate about acupuncture and herbal care. Categories