When I started my practice in 1999, few people had tried acupuncture. Many had heard of it, but perhaps thought of it as something for only eccentric weirdos. These days the scientific evidence behind acupuncture has grown and general acceptance of the practice has followed. The National Institute of Health, the World Health Organization, even the Department of Defense now back the practice and recommend it for everything from pain management to mental health issues.
In those 15 years, many practitioners have opened up shop in Fort Collins. I have been pleased to see the use of acupuncture grow. I continue to be honored to be chosen by my patients as one of their healthcare providers. Thank you for supporting my business and for allowing me to offer this talent to my community. Yours in good health, Scott Blunk, L.Ac. Fort Collins Acupuncture Comments are closed.
Scott Blunk, LAc.
An NCCAOM-certified and licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, Scott is passionate about acupuncture and herbal care. Categories