Scalp acupuncture is a branch of acupuncture that was enhanced and made public by Professor Ming Qing Zhu. An internationally recognized speaker, educator and acupuncturist, Zhu was one of the first to pioneer the approach I use when working with people affected by neurological disorders or injuries like strokes.
Using very fine needles on the scalp, I target the zones of the brain that have been impacted. This work can dramatically reduce pain, improve motor function and muscle tone, and improve overall quality of life. According to a paper on Dr. Zhu's website, “Scalp acupuncture represents yet another alternative healing modality whose underlying philosophy and successful clinical track record does not negate, but rather supplements, conventional medicine's many important contributions. If we can set aside our progress-inhibiting illusions of knowledge and attempt to open-mindedly integrate divergent healthcare perspectives, such as scalp acupuncture, we will have an expanded healing spectrum that can only benefit people with disabilities.” Do call if you or a loved one would benefit from stroke rehabilitation acupuncture. (970) 223-4422. Comments are closed.
Scott Blunk, LAc.
An NCCAOM-certified and licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, Scott is passionate about acupuncture and herbal care. Categories